Editorial Team

The blog is managed by an editorial team from the two publishers of Wissenschaft weltoffen, DAAD and DZHW. In addition to contributions from the editorial team, guest contributions from external authors will also appear on the blog, in which current research findings or the practical transfer of such findings are presented.

Editorial Team

Dr. Jan Kercher, DAAD

Source: Eric Lichtenscheid

Jan Kercher has been working at the DAAD since 2013 and is project manager for the annual publication Wissenschaft weltoffen. In addition, he is responsible at the DAAD for various other projects on the exchange between higher education research and higher education practice as well as the implementation of study and data collection projects on academic mobility and the internationalisation of higher education institutions.


Recent Blog Posts:

Naomi Knüttgen, DAAD

Source: Privat

Dr. Ulrich Heublein, DZHW

Source: DZHW

Ulrich Heublein has been working at the DZHW since 1991 and is a project manager in the "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment" department. His research interests include the conditions for study success, the causes of dropping out and the internationalisation of study and research. He studied German and Journalism Studies at the University of Leipzig and gained his doctorate in German Studies in 1986.


Recent Blog Posts:

Guest authors

Marina Steinmann


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