Selected reasons given by international students for choosing Germany as a study destination, in 2016 and 2021

A country’s attractiveness as a study destination for internationally mobile students depends on a variety of aspects. In addition to reasons directly related to the university, subject and study programme, the politics, economy, culture and conditions in the respective study destination also influence students’ decisions.
The international students’ decision to study at a university in Germany was based on four main reasons: 65% felt that the high quality of life in Germany played a (very) important role. Of equal weight for the study choice was their intention to take up employment after graduating in Germany (61%). Some 59% of international students opted to come to Germany on account of the economic situation here. Moreover, students’ interest in Germany itself also looms ever larger in their choice of host country. 58% of international students indicated that they were studying here because they wished to experience Germany.
However, their interest in Germany does not necessarily imply that students’ also wish to acquire the relevant language skills: 46% of international students embarked on a degree programme in Germany to hone their language skills. Lastly, 21% of international students decided to study in Germany because friends or relatives1 had already studied here. Studying in Germany had clearly been communicated to them as a positive experience.

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